Meet Our Founders

K. Renee Coffin is a daughter of the most high God, Elohim, and she is the wife of Ron Coffin, who has led worship across the United States and Israel and is a prophetic minister and leader in establishing ambassadors on earth, as it is in heaven.

The Bible (Matthew 3:11) tells us that one would come and baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Having a personal encounter with Him, Ron and Karen have sought to pass this fire of God on to others, keeping it blazing in their hearts from the rudder of the US in Sacramento, CA, their headquarters.

It’s out of the Fresh Anointing (oil fueling the fire in the lamps) in the Harvest that equals Faith. “The wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” (Matthew 25:4) Their lamps continue to burn. “The fire on the altar (of your heart) must be kept burning…continuously…it must not go out.” (Leviticus 6:13) As forerunners, watchmen, and intercessors assigned to the United States, they have three beautiful daughters called and anointed of God and two grandchildren, Brayden and Selah.

Karen has received her B.A. Degree in Christion Education.

American Flag Hanging on A Porch

Karen R. Coffin



US Map


 - Fresh


 - Anointing


 - In


 - The


 - Harvest

Introducing Blaze!

Cartoon American Eagle

Brayden and Selah

Brayden and Selah

Ron Coffin

R. Enoch Michael Coffin

Larissa, Janae, and Victoria

Larissa, Victoria, and Janae