An American Trail
Adventure Sixteen: Louisiana and North Dakota
Passing the torch together
Patriot Motto:
“I love the Lord my God with all of my heart, and I love my neighbor as myself.”
"In God We Trust"
The United States motto is “In God we trust.” The motto expresses the beliefs of the United States. You will see this motto on our money. ( On the back of the one-dollar bill, read “In God we trust”).

The Bible says that those who trust in the Lord are like Mt. Zion, which cannot be moved. Mountains stand strong, and so do we when we trust in God.
On the one-dollar bill, we see a person that you know about. He is someone who trusted in God (Teacher ask the Patriots to recognize George Washington on the front of the Dollar).
George Washington trusted in God. He led the troops into battle, and God gave him courage

Ask the patriots:
- What is George Washington doing?
- Who is he praying to?
- Do you think that he is praying for his friends?
He might be praying for the troops that he was leading. They were very cold because it was winter and they didn’t have enough warm coats. Some of them did not have shoes and some of the soldiers were sick.
When George Washington was asked to lead the troops into battle, his mother did not want him to get hurt. She asked him not to go. Her husband had died and she did not want harm to come to George Washington. She wanted him to be safe. This is what George Washington said to his mother; “The God to whom you commended me (taught me to trust) when I set out on a more perilous errand (Scary job) defended me from all harm. I trust he will do so now, do not you?” George Washington’s mother agreed that God would protect him.
Little Patriots, can anybody guess what happened? God did protect him!
Boys and girls, let’s pretend that George Washington is saying that to you. If He asked you, “I trust in God. Do you?” What would YOU say?
Directions for Coloring Page
Little Patriots do their best work. Emphasize the importance of coloring neatly. When they have completed the state, the bird and flower place a gold star on the Capital City. This is the reward for a job well done.
Adventure 16

State Capital - Baton Rouge
State Bird - Pelican
State Flower - Baton Rouge
North Dakota
State Capitol - Bismarck
State Bird - Western Meadowlark
State Flower - Wild Prairie Rose
Prayer Target
We pray for the Little Patriots in Louisiana and North Dakota to have a shield that protects them as George Washington did.
And that You would put Your love in their hearts for You (like a lamp that burns bright) and for our country!

"Hey Patriots! Here’s Blaze to tell you something important! Everyone, please say Hello To Blaze! Blaze has a show and tell for you."

Open your Bible and read Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart”.
In your Bible, it tells you, Patriots, that you have a shield called “Faith.” That day when George Washington chose to trust in God, God did protect him with a shield. Do you suppose that anybody could see the shield? No, you cannot see “faith,” and you could not see the shield, but God did protect him, and God will protect you when you put your trust in Him!
One day they were in battle, and George Washington had the flu. He wasn’t feeling very good (his tummy hurt, and he needed to be home in bed), but God was with him. He had a button shot off of his coat, and a horse shot out from under him. The God in whom he had put his trust shielded George Washington, and so you are shielded when you put your trust in Him.
Guess what happened many years later! (It was fifteen years after the battle, to be exact) Well, and Indian Chief came in search of George Washington. “He wanted to see the young warrior of the great battle.” The Indian chief said that he had called to the young warriors who were there to make General Washington their target. Rifles were fired. It was all in vain. “A power mightier than we shielded you.” said the Chief. “Seeing that you were under the guardianship of the Great Spirit, (he meant God) we immediately ceased to fire at you.”
The Indian chief then said as he pointed to George Washington, “The Great Spirit protects that Man and guides his destiny. He will become the chief of nations and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. (George Washington is called The Father of a great nation, which is called the United States!) I have come to honor a man who can never die in battle.
God protected George Washington. An invisible shield of faith surrounded him because in God he did trust.
The Bible says, “Some men trust in horses, some men trust in chariots but we will trust in the name of our God”
Thanks, Blaze. That was an excellent true story.
Blaze: “Hey Patriots! Let’s look at that money again, that special one-dollar bill. Well, there’s a picture of me on it. I want you to see it!
That’s right everybody. This is a very nice picture of Blaze!
Directions for the United States Map
Color the states on the map the same as the states colored.

Directions for the United States Flag
Place a silver star on the flag for each state completed.

Good job, Little Patriot. You are a Super Star!